
Response codes

Orange Logic APIs use standard HTTPS response codes:

200The call was successful.
401The call failed because Orange Logic didn’t detect an authenticated account.
Log in to Orange Logic, and then retry your call.
403The call failed because Orange Logic either can’t use or requires a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection for the call.
Change your URL from https:// to http:// or vice versa.
404The call failed because Orange Logic couldn't find the asset.
Check the URL and the parameters, and then retry your call.
500The call failed because the Orange Logic server encountered an unexpected error.
Try the call again and submit a support request if the error persists.
503The call failed because the Orange Logic server is in a state that doesn’t allow API calls.
Try the call again and submit a support request if the error persists.


Many Orange Logic API responses include header information. Some APIs include unique detail, but here are some headers you’ll see most frequently.



You can use headers to prevent API calls from triggering Webhooks. Skipping the automated workflows initiated by webhook calls might be useful during testing or a regular part of API setup if you’re using processes that vary from the Orange Logic default configuration.

Orange Logic instance information

System information can be helpful if you need to confirm the details of the Orange Logic instance you’re working with.

  • x-cortex-location: Each instance of Orange Logic is identified by a unique, hard-coded, three-character value. This “short location” indicates the instance’s server location. Example: AA1
  • x-cortex-providerid: The unique ID of the Orange Logic instance. Orange Logic staff can configure this custom identifier to appear in the Audit Trail of Metadata Changes. Submit a support request if you need this information. Example: dfb6b13501c741d2af8f300772561867
  • x-cortex-provideridentity: The name of the instance’s web server. Example: OLU-T-USW2-APP
  • x-cortex-providerversion: The version of the Orange Logic instance. Example: KOBE.R1.2065B.215212
    For more information on the changes in each Orange Logic version, see the Orange Logic release notes.

You can find this information in the Orange Logic interface by going to Administration and expanding the System Information section.

System information in OrangeDAM

System information in Orange Logic



Orange Logic used to be called “Cortex,” so you will see this terminology in some legacy features and APIs.

User information

User information can be helpful if you need to confirm your own login details or those of a user you’re impersonating.

  • IsLoggedIn: The boolean True or False response indicates your current authentication state.

  • TimeoutPeriodMinutes: The timeout delay indicates when you’ll automatically be logged out following your last interaction with Orange Logic. By default, an Orange Logic session expires after 60 minutes of inactivity. Activity includes both actions in the Orange Logic interface and API calls to the Orange Logic instance.



    The timeout setting is customizable. Your organization can work with Orange Logic support to change the timeout to any duration up to a maximum of 24 hours, and the authentication can remain valid regardless of user activity.

    If your organization uses a setting other than the default, the API response will include a SessionEndDate indicating the time and date at which your session will end.