Base calls for managing contacts

You can use the following base calls to perform CRUD actions on user accounts (contact objects). The sections below list a base call for common account types. DataTable APIs can be POST or GET.

Search all accounts

If you need to retrieve information about an account and do not know the account type (client, staff, source, etc.) that it belongs to, you can use the Contacts.All query. For example, the following call lists the account details for Stephen Grant.

POST or GET /API/DataTable/v2.2/Contacts.All:[email protected]

By default, if you use the Contacts.All query, you can use one of the following fields to retrieve a record:

  • RecordID
  • Unique identifier (CoreField.Identifier)
  • Login ID (CoreField.LoginID)
  • Email address (CoreField.Email1)

The read, update, and delete operations only work if only one asset matches the search criterion.
If you want to add another field to the list of accepted Contacts.All queries, your Orange Logic administrator can submit a support request.


POST or GET /API/DataTable/v2.2/Contacts.Agent.Default

Billing account

POST or GET /API/DataTable/v2.2/Contacts.Billing-account.Default


POST or GET /API/DataTable/v2.2/Contacts.Client.Default


POST or GET /API/DataTable/v2.2/Contacts.Company.Default


POST or GET /API/DataTable/v2.2/Contacts.Model.Default

OAuth Client Application

POST or GET /API/DataTable/v2.2/Contacts.OAuth.Default


POST or GET /API/DataTable/v2.2/Contacts.Source.Default

Source agent

POST or GET /API/DataTable/v2.2/Contacts.Source-agent.Default


POST or GET /API/DataTable/v2.2/Contacts.Staff.Default