Common parameters

Many of the parameters you’ll use most frequently in the Orange Logic API require identifiers, such as the unique ID of an asset, user, or metadata field. This section explains the most common parameters and the relevant identifiers for assets, metadata fields, asset formats, and more.

  • Contact (or id): Record ID of a user
  • dateformat: Format of date and time information
  • FolderRecordID (or RecordID): Identifier of the folder asset
  • format (or path): asset format code Identifying a specific proxy
    • You might also notice a Format parameter used to specify the language in which the result of a call is returned, such as XML or JSON.
  • Metadata: Metadata fields to apply or update on an asset
  • UseSession: Use a parameter session ID
  • User: Identifier of an individual Orange Logic user



Parameters are usually not case-sensitive. For example, a parameter could be written as TITLE, Title, or TitLE. All variations work as expected. Exceptions to this standard are noted in the documentation for the individual endpoint.