Upload assets

Upload assets smaller than 1.5 GB to Orange Logic

You can upload assets smaller than 1.5 GB to Orange Logic in a variety of ways:

When you upload assets, Orange Logic automatically assigns the appropriate Asset Type, such as "Image" or "Video." It also automatically includes any metadata that is embedded in the asset.



The Upload assets calls have a 1.5 GB file size limit. Use the Advanced Upload feature or the Upload large assets call for files over 1.5 GB.

Upload processing options

The Upload assets calls let you choose how your request is processed. In most cases, you can choose the level of background processing. You have the following options for the importMode and UploadMode parameters, listed here from the longest to the shortest amount of time to complete the API call:

  • ProcessInLine: The API call is complete only when the asset is fully ingested, meaning all proxy formats have been generated. This option takes the longest amount of time.
  • ProcessProxiesInBackground: The API call is complete after the asset is available for download in Orange Logic. Proxies and thumbnails are generated in the background.
  • ProcessProxiesAndParentAndIndexInBackground: The API call is complete after the asset is available to view and download in Orange Logic. Proxies and thumbnails are generated in the background. Indexing also occurs in the background, including processing of the relationship between the uploaded asset and its container. The uploaded asset is available quickly, but it won't appear in search results until the background processes are finished.
  • ProcessFullyInBackground: The API call is complete when the asset record has been created and can receive updates with subsequent API calls. The metadata import and proxy file generation occur in the background. Users can see the asset record, but embedded metadata might not appear until the background process has finished.
  • ProcessFullyInBackgroundLite: The API call is complete immediately after uploading the file, and all file processing occurs in the background, meaning that there is a delay before the asset record is created in Orange Logic. This option takes the shortest amount of time.