post https://{OrangeLogicURL}/API/DataTable/v2.2/Documents.All:ListFields
List all available metadata fields in your instance of Orange Logic, including core and custom fields
You can also use GET.
Use the format {Object}.{Type}.{Subtype}
to narrow the scope of your request to a single asset subtype. For example, replace Documents.All
with Documents.Image.Default
to retrieve all metadata fields available for the Standard Image asset.
The following attributes are included (whenever relevant) in the response for each field:
Attribute | Description |
<SystemID> | The unique identifier of the field. |
<TimeDisplayMode> | Whether the date field includes the time. Appears only for date fields. |
<ShouldConvertToUserTimezone type="Boolean"> | Whether the time appears in the user’s time zone or in the server time zone. Appears only for date fields. |
<NameSpaceFieldName> | The field’s Namespace followed by a period (.) and the field’s name. |
<SecondaryNameSpaceFieldName> | The field’s API name. |
<DataType> | The type of field (text, date, numeric, etc.). |
<DataLength> | The field length in number of characters. Appears only for text fields. |
<IsMultiValued type="Boolean"> | Whether the field allows multiple values.
<CanCreateLinkObject type="Boolean"> | Whether users can create a new value in a Linked Field. |
<ShowEntriesWithLeadTerms type="Boolean"> | Whether the field shows values that have Lead Terms. |
IsBasedOnAuthorityTable <type="Boolean"> | Whether the field is based on an authority list. |
<CanBeUsedAsAReadCriterion type="Boolean"> | Whether the field is read-only.
<AlternateName> | The field’s Alternate Name. |
<Namespace> | The field’s Namespace. |
<Label> | The name of the field. |
<Description> | The field’s description, notes, or help text. |
<Comment> | Comments added to this field. Only Orange Logic staff can add comments. |
<AvailableForEmailTemplate type="Boolean"> | Whether the field is available as a placeholder in email templates. Only Orange Logic staff can edit this setting. |
<IsRequired type="Boolean"> | Whether the field is required on the Asset Subtype specified in the call. |
<ReadOnly type="Boolean"> | Whether the field is read-only or editable.
<ForceSoftXSS type="Boolean"> | Whether HTML elements are displayed in the field. |
<KeySpaceFallback type="Boolean"> | Whether a specified Tag Type is used when new values are added to an authority list.
<PairedKeySpaceFallback type="Boolean"> | Whether a specified Tag Type is used when new values are added to an authority list that is part of a paired-value field.
<AutoConvertURL type="Boolean"> | Whether the field automatically converts URLs to hyperlinks. |
<SearchableInFreetext> | Whether the field is configured to include the asset in search results if the search includes any complete words from the field. |
<AutoFormatTextAsPlain> | Whether the content of the field is evaluated as plain text when users search the DAM. |
<VisibleBasedOnField> | When this field’s visibility is based on a value in another field, this attribute shows the other field’s System ID. |
<Security> | Whether users must have specific security settings to access the field. |
<CanReadRoles> | The user roles that can view the field when field-specific security settings have been applied. |
<CanReadGroups> | The groups that can view the field when field-specific security settings have been applied. |
<CanEditRoles> | The user roles that can edit the field when field-specific security settings have been applied. |
<CanEditGroups> | The groups that can edit the field when field-specific security settings have been applied. |
<SecurityEnabled> | Whether users must have specific security settings to view, edit, or delete the field.
<SearchableIndividually> | Whether the field is available in Advanced Search Additional Conditions.
<SearchableOnLinkedKeywords> | Whether the content of the field is evaluated with stemming when users search the DAM. |
<SearchableExactMatch> | Whether the content of the field is evaluated as a whole word when users search the DAM. |
<EnableWhenRecordLocked type="Boolean"> | Whether the field can be edited after being "locked" via the Lock API.
<ShowDescriptionBelowField type="Boolean"> | Whether the field’s description appears below the field instead of as a tooltip.
<OptionList> | The available values for the field. This attribute pertains to a legacy feature. We recommend using authority lists instead of Option Lists. |
<BaseField> | When the field is an Inherited Field, this attribute shows the System Name of the field from which this field inherits its value. |
<InheritBaseFieldSecurity> | Whether any field-specific security settings apply to the field this field inherits from. |
<PreselectBasedOnFacet> | Whether this field is automatically populated when a new asset is created. |
<AutoAddToSubTypeIfMissing type="Boolean"> | Whether the field is automatically added to the asset subtype specified in the call when an update includes information for a field that doesn’t exist on the asset subtype.
<PanelToAutoAddToSubType> | The ID of any panel configured to be automatically added to a specific asset subtype. |
<LinkTable> | The database table that holds the values for an authority list. |
<LinkType> | The ID of the link type. |
<KeyTypes type="List" /> | The values in the field’s authority list. |
<KeyTypeGroups type="List" /> | The allowed Tag Types of a field’s authority list. |
<KeyTypeForCreation> | The Tag Type used when new values are added to the field’s authority list. |
Example: List all metadata fields for an asset subtype
This call returns the metadata fields available for the Standard image subtype, along with the attributes relevant to each of those fields.
The example response is truncated. Only a sample of returned attributes are shown.
Example call
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer yUkaAn8P5FDqw6MT2o8bpMT59x0BSDNlq3rbSDdETnQyYkjL270c6fr95vvYXzU78JdDX.IAfaa9rqCQkDdl9XSFQHS8TiFfAPh5hfIfUScPpuEMpGUu6..4KgXJ44Q1' \
--header 'Cookie: AWSALB=PgJYDnk1kxDH8pLTpjW6FPpjeMthZn9gqi5+kSEGlhmbXEKgtTUaBw5K3CyG6/ZidNOg7t8RwBzZdW1XJ0ZAn2QuA3qMl8LjLhOKAi66mPkM9poczRTQe8LksYbE; AWSALBCORS=PgJYDnk1kxDH8pLTpjW6FPpjeMthZn9gqi5+kSEGlhmbXEKgtTUaBw5K3CyG6/ZidNOg7t8RwBzZdW1XJ0ZAn2QuA3qMl8LjLhOKAi66mPkM9poczRTQe8LksYbE; AWSALBTG=LAcuCjAGok8xPDh1FfLCbrCrd3ACPXSgtK6oV7IbTAzXJmHv7xM7FRHMdxouqiEqHQl/zTxmeRJP0Vm2SmA9hREOICHQL3RfAL4epjnIf/+2XW9Alf5YyO5PMaDqQIwxp5Z4WARqY5A/V+Xi+ATmsCZxOtuT8kE+eahqTtpGHZxe; AWSALBTGCORS=LAcuCjAGok8xPDh1FfLCbrCrd3ACPXSgtK6oV7IbTAzXJmHv7xM7FRHMdxouqiEqHQl/zTxmeRJP0Vm2SmA9hREOICHQL3RfAL4epjnIf/+2XW9Alf5YyO5PMaDqQIwxp5Z4WARqY5A/V+Xi+ATmsCZxOtuT8kE+eahqTtpGHZxe; ZZ1-Session__1505=CfDJ8KSkO661hSREsDx7PGb48%2B3ID7jxcCVUNFHfVX9rTDv%2BZ3rIasE3W96J20HSoEb9KkAybbLJFr8WD4Evqb0oKHWwD7ZF75LJ8itRI8GaGuqJwK1j%2Bl%2FvuIcMNJufIUNGkNKbNJ5VJ9yLY6jQgCE%2FTHIoNVKGzK5Hg0MYDBGTRRHZ; ZZ1-Session__1505-Alt=CfDJ8KSkO661hSREsDx7PGb48%2B3ID7jxcCVUNFHfVX9rTDv%2BZ3rIasE3W96J20HSoEb9KkAybbLJFr8WD4Evqb0oKHWwD7ZF75LJ8itRI8GaGuqJwK1j%2Bl%2FvuIcMNJufIUNGkNKbNJ5VJ9yLY6jQgCE%2FTHIoNVKGzK5Hg0MYDBGTRRHZ'
<IsLoggedIn type="Boolean">True</IsLoggedIn>
<Session>No session (production configuration)</Session>
<TimeoutPeriodMinutes type="Numeric">20</TimeoutPeriodMinutes>
<IsMultiValued type="Boolean">False</IsMultiValued>
<CanCreateLinkObject type="Boolean">True</CanCreateLinkObject>
<ShowEntriesWithLeadTerms type="Boolean">True</ShowEntriesWithLeadTerms>
<IsBasedOnAuthorityTable type="Boolean">False</IsBasedOnAuthorityTable>
<Label>unique identifier</Label>
<AvailableForEmailTemplate type="Boolean">True</AvailableForEmailTemplate>
<IsRequired type="Boolean">True</IsRequired>
<ReadOnly type="Boolean">True</ReadOnly>
<ForceSoftXSS type="Boolean">False</ForceSoftXSS>
<KeySpaceFallback type="Boolean">True</KeySpaceFallback>
<PairedKeySpaceFallback type="Boolean">True</PairedKeySpaceFallback>
<AutoConvertURL type="Boolean">False</AutoConvertURL>
<IsMultiValued type="Boolean">False</IsMultiValued>
<CanCreateLinkObject type="Boolean">True</CanCreateLinkObject>
<ShowEntriesWithLeadTerms type="Boolean">True</ShowEntriesWithLeadTerms>
<IsBasedOnAuthorityTable type="Boolean">False</IsBasedOnAuthorityTable>
<Label>Legacy Identifier</Label>
<AvailableForEmailTemplate type="Boolean">True</AvailableForEmailTemplate>
<IsRequired type="Boolean">False</IsRequired>
<ReadOnly type="Boolean">False</ReadOnly>
<ForceSoftXSS type="Boolean">False</ForceSoftXSS>
<KeySpaceFallback type="Boolean">True</KeySpaceFallback>
<PairedKeySpaceFallback type="Boolean">True</PairedKeySpaceFallback>
<AutoConvertURL type="Boolean">False</AutoConvertURL>
<IsMultiValued type="Boolean">False</IsMultiValued>
<CanCreateLinkObject type="Boolean">True</CanCreateLinkObject>
<ShowEntriesWithLeadTerms type="Boolean">True</ShowEntriesWithLeadTerms>
<IsBasedOnAuthorityTable type="Boolean">False</IsBasedOnAuthorityTable>
<Label>original file path</Label>
<AvailableForEmailTemplate type="Boolean">True</AvailableForEmailTemplate>
<IsRequired type="Boolean">False</IsRequired>
<ReadOnly type="Boolean">True</ReadOnly>
<ForceSoftXSS type="Boolean">False</ForceSoftXSS>
<KeySpaceFallback type="Boolean">True</KeySpaceFallback>
<PairedKeySpaceFallback type="Boolean">True</PairedKeySpaceFallback>
<AutoConvertURL type="Boolean">False</AutoConvertURL>
<IsMultiValued type="Boolean">False</IsMultiValued>
<CanCreateLinkObject type="Boolean">True</CanCreateLinkObject>
<ShowEntriesWithLeadTerms type="Boolean">False</ShowEntriesWithLeadTerms>
<Label>Number of people</Label>
<IsRequired type="Boolean">False</IsRequired>
<ReadOnly type="Boolean">False</ReadOnly>
<AvailableForEmailTemplate type="Boolean">True</AvailableForEmailTemplate>
<EnableWhenRecordLocked type="Boolean">False</EnableWhenRecordLocked>
<ForceSoftXSS type="Boolean">False</ForceSoftXSS>
<KeySpaceFallback type="Boolean">True</KeySpaceFallback>
<PairedKeySpaceFallback type="Boolean">True</PairedKeySpaceFallback>
<ShowDescriptionBelowField type="Boolean">False</ShowDescriptionBelowField>
<AutoConvertURL type="Boolean">False</AutoConvertURL>
<AutoAddToSubTypeIfMissing type="Boolean">False</AutoAddToSubTypeIfMissing>
<IsBasedOnAuthorityTable type="Boolean">False</IsBasedOnAuthorityTable>
<DataLength type="Numeric">17</DataLength>
<IsMultiValued type="Boolean">False</IsMultiValued>
<IsBasedOnAuthorityTable type="Boolean">False</IsBasedOnAuthorityTable>
<ReadOnly type="Boolean">True</ReadOnly>
<IsMultiValued type="Boolean">False</IsMultiValued>
<IsBasedOnAuthorityTable type="Boolean">False</IsBasedOnAuthorityTable>
<ReadOnly type="Boolean">True</ReadOnly>
<DataLength type="Numeric">30</DataLength>
<IsMultiValued type="Boolean">False</IsMultiValued>
<IsBasedOnAuthorityTable type="Boolean">False</IsBasedOnAuthorityTable>
<ReadOnly type="Boolean">False</ReadOnly>