Batch edit fields

Simultaneously edit the metadata fields of multiple assets

You can use the Batch edit fields call to make the same changes to the metadata fields of multiple assets simultaneously.

This call is particularly useful for editing multi-valued fields because you can use it to add or remove values from authority lists, which appear in the Orange Logic interface as drop-down fields.

“Content Usage” Tags Become the “Content Usage” Field’s Authority List

“Content Usage” tags become the “Content Usage” field’s authority list

The values available in an authority list are the tags of the specified tag type.



  • This endpoint is similar to batch editing assets in the Batch Edit side panel in the Orange Logic interface.
  • The Batch edit fields call is available beginning in Orange Logic Juneau.


Feature documentation

Security function and permission needed to batch edit metadata

To run this call, you must have the Access to Asset Management Security Function. Additionally, you must have Edit Permissions on the assets you edit.