Get an asset’s cloud storage link

When integrating with other software via API, you may need a direct link to an asset in its cloud storage service (such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Platform, or Microsoft Azure Blob storage). You can retrieve this type of link with one of the GetPreSignedLink calls.


Insight: Presigned links

Presigned links (also known as presigned URLs) are an Amazon Web Storage (AWS) concept. Presigned links allow you to grant temporary access to users who don’t have permission to access your AWS account. For example, let’s say you are integrating with another software. That software needs direct links to your assets in Amazon S3. By generating the presigned link, you are giving that software access to the assets, even though the software cannot access your AWS account.

Even though the “presigned” concept is specific to AWS, you can use the GetPreSignedLink calls to generate links to an asset in any cloud storage platform.

There are two GetPreSignedLink calls:



We recommend using the batch call to get links to multiple assets because it is less costly than calling the single API multiple times.

Each call's response includes the asset's link and an error code and message if the URL fails.