The DataTable API returns the following responses:
List fields
The response returns the fields for the requested data table. For more information, go to ListFields.
Read calls
If successful, the response returns the fields for the specified object(s). If the record is not found, the response does not return any results.
Update calls
<RecordsAffected type="List">
<RecordID>[Record ID]</RecordID>
Record not found
<RecordsAffected type="List"/>
<Message>Found no record with the given criteria</Message>
Update failed
<Response><RecordsAffected type="List"><Result>
<RecordID>[Record ID]</RecordID>
<Message>Update failed for the given records</Message>
<Contact.CoreField.Email1>Email address is not valid</Contact.CoreField.Email1>
Create calls
<RecordsAffected type="List">
<RecordID>[Record ID]</RecordID>
<Message>Creation failed for the given record</Message>
<Contact.CoreField.Last_Name>This field must be filled</Contact.CoreField.Last_Name>
Delete calls
<RecordsAffected type="List">
<RecordID>[Record ID]</RecordID>
Record not found
<RecordsAffected type="List"/>
<Message>Found no record with the given criteria</Message>
<ErrorDetails>Found no record with the given criteria</ErrorDetails>