UPDATE calls

The Update action updates asset metadata.



If you are updating a user account, your changes might trigger an email to notify that user of their account changes. You can control email notifications with the &AllowNotifications parameter.

Asset example

This call updates the image’s title to “Sunrise over a temple in Bali.”

POST or GET /API/DataTable/V2.2/Documents.Image.Default:Update?CoreField.Identifier=ZZ116ER&CoreField.Title:=Sunrise over a temple in Bali

<IsLoggedIn type="Boolean">True</IsLoggedIn>
<UserLogin>[email protected]</UserLogin>
<Session>Jen Demo</Session>
<TimeoutPeriodMinutes type="Numeric">20</TimeoutPeriodMinutes>
<Filters type="List">
<OperatorDescription>Field must be equal to value</OperatorDescription>
<Updates type="List">
<OperatorDescription>Assign a value to a single-value field</OperatorDescription>
<Value>Sunrise over a temple in Bali</Value>
<IgnoredParameters type="List"/>
<NumberOfRecordsAffected type="Numeric">1</NumberOfRecordsAffected>
<RecordsAffected type="List">


The table below lists the operators that you can use to update asset metadata. Each operator corresponds to the type of metadata field (single-value field, single-value field based on an authority list, multi-value field, etc.)


Feature documentation

Metadata field based on an authority List

Metadata field based on an authority list

OperatorDescription and example
:=Add or replace a value in a single-value field.

/API/DataTable/V2.2/Documents.Image.Default:Update?CoreField.Identifier=ZZ116ER&CoreField.Title:=Sunrise over a temple in Bali

This call updates the image’s title to “Sunrise over a temple in Bali.”
+:=Add or replace a value in a single-valued field based on an authority list.

This call will only add the value if it already exists in the authority list.


To remove the value from the field, do not add a value after the operator.

+=Add a value to a multivalue field based on an authority list.

This call will only add the value if it already exists in the authority list.

/API/DataTable/V2.2/Documents.Image.Production-Still:Update?CoreField.Identifier=ZZ15G&Images.Content-Usage+=Blog post

To add multiple values, separate each value with a pipe ( | ) without commas.

/API/DataTable/V2.2/Documents.Image.Production-Still:Update?CoreField.Identifier=ZZ15G&Images.Content-Usage+=Streaming platform|website|sales collateral
-=Remove a value from a multivalue field based on an authority list.

/API/DataTable/V2.2/Documents.Image.Production-Still:Update?CoreField.Identifier=ZZ15G&Images.Content-Usage-=Blog post
++=Create a new value and add it to a multivalued field based on an authority list.


This call can be used to create only one new value at a time. The newly-created Tag will be added to the Tag Type that is associated with that field’s authority list.

If you create new tags and add them to an asset’s Tags tab, the new tags will be added to the “Newly Created” Tag Type. For more information about adding tags to the Tags tab, go to the sample "Create tags and add them to an asset" call.
--=Remove all values from a multivalued field based on an authority list.
