CREATE calls

The Create action creates a new object (asset, contact, tag, etc.).

  • If the call is successful, the RecordID of the newly-created object is returned.
  • If the operation fails, the response will include details of the fields with unexpected or required values.



If you create a user account, your changes might trigger an email to notify that user of their new account. You can control email notifications with the &AllowNotifications parameter.

Asset example

This call creates a new Standard Image record in the Library folder titled “Marketing image.”

POST or GET /API/DataTable/V2.2/Documents.Image.Default:Create?CoreField.Title:=Marketing image

<IsLoggedIn type="Boolean">True</IsLoggedIn>
<UserLogin>[email protected]</UserLogin>
<Session>Jen Demo</Session>
<TimeoutPeriodMinutes type="Numeric">120</TimeoutPeriodMinutes>
<Updates type="List">
<OperatorDescription>Assign a value to a single-value field</OperatorDescription>
<Value>Marketing image</Value>

Contact example

This call creates a new user account with these details:

  • First name: Kristen
  • Last name: Harrison
  • Country: United States of America
  • Email address: [[email protected]]

POST or GET /API/DataTable/V2.2/Contacts.Client.Default:Create?CoreField.First_Name:=Kristen&CoreField.Last_Name:=Harrison&CoreField.Counry:=United States of America&CoreField.Email1:=[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

<IsLoggedIn type="Boolean">True</IsLoggedIn>
<UserLogin>[email protected]</UserLogin>
<Session>Jen Demo</Session>
<TimeoutPeriodMinutes type="Numeric">20</TimeoutPeriodMinutes>
<Updates type="List">
<OperatorDescription>Assign a value to a single-value field</OperatorDescription>
<Value>United States of America</Value>
<OperatorDescription>Assign a value to a single-value field</OperatorDescription>
<Value>[email protected]</Value>
<OperatorDescription>Assign a value to a single-value field</OperatorDescription>
<OperatorDescription>Assign a value to a single-value field</OperatorDescription>