Upload large assets (>1.5 GB)

Use a series of API calls to upload files larger than 1.5 GB to the Orange Logic platform

Orange Logic's Multi-Part Upload API provides a fast, reliable way to upload assets larger than 1.5 GB by chunking them into files that can be uploaded simultaneously. If any part of the asset fails to upload, you’ll only need to retry to upload that part; you do not need to re-upload each file chunk. After all of an asset’s file chunks are uploaded successfully, you use an API call to mark the upload complete, and Orange Logic automatically reassembles the asset.

To upload media files smaller than 1.5 GB, we recommend using one of the upload APIs instead.



  • This API was previously called the Uploader API.
  • To use these APIs, you environment needs to have Python3 (alias as python), Pip3 (alias as pip), virtualenv, and git installed.

How it works

To use the Multi-Part Upload API, complete these steps:

  1. Create an upload transaction: Use one API call to create an Upload Transaction ID for your upload session. In this call, you’ll define the folder you want to upload the assets to. You’ll also specify any metadata that you want to add to all of the assets uploaded as part of this transaction.
  2. Register upload assets: Use one API call to register all of the assets you’ll upload to the Orange Logic platform as part of this Upload transaction. You can define the folder hierarchy for each asset. Orange Logic will create folders if needed.
  3. Chunk assets: Use software (such as PowerShell’s File-Splitter module on Windows or Terminal on Mac) to split each asset into chunks that can be uploaded into the Orange Logic platform simultaneously.
  4. Upload chunks to the Orange Logic platform: Use one API call per file chunk to upload the assets’s file chunks to the Orange Logic platform.
  5. Complete the asset upload: Use one API call per asset to notify Orange Logic that all of an asset’s file chunks have been uploaded. Then, Orange Logic automatically assembles the chunks into a single asset.



If your organization uses legacy endpoints to perform these steps, go to the legacy calls page to see the differences between the current and legacy calls. The parameters differ, but the function is very similar.