Metadata field identifiers

Orange Logic asset metadata is stored in metadata fields. When you need to reference metadata in an API, you can use any of the following pieces of information to identify a field:

You can retrieve information about metadata fields, such as their identifiers, using the List all metadata fields DataTable API.

API name

A field’s API name uses this format: Namespace.FieldName. A namespace is simply a way of categorizing fields. For example, all built-in fields in the Orange Logic platform use the CoreField namespace. When users create a new field in Orange Logic, they can choose or create a namespace.



In the Orange Logic interface, you can find a field’s API name by opening the Details tab of an asset that uses the field, clicking Edit Layout, and double-clicking the field to open the Create/Edit Field window.

The Create/Edit Field window in the OrangeDAM interface

The Create/Edit Field window in the Orange Logic interface


Feature Documentation: Namespace

Namespaces allow users to create unique fields with unique behaviors that use the same display name. For example, a field called “Date” might be required for images but optional for videos. Or, a field called “Product” might allow free-text entry on certain asset types but be a drop-down menu on other asset types. These fields look the same to end users, but they are separate entities with unique combinations of a namespace and title.

You can use the unique pairing of namespace and title to reference metadata fields in API calls.

Some of the built-in metadata fields you might refer to most often include:

  • Asset date (CoreField.DocDate)
  • Title (CoreField.Title)
  • Copyright (CoreField.Copyright)
  • Description (CoreField.CaptionLong)
  • Headline (CoreField.CaptionShort)
  • Legacy identifier (CoreField.Id_Client)
  • Source (CoreField.CT_RecordidSource)
  • Unique identifier (CoreField.Identifier)
  • Visibility Class (CoreField.Purpose)

System name

Every field has a unique system name. The system name is often the same as the user-entered field name, but not always. Orange Logic users can find a field’s system name at the bottom of the Create/Edit Field window.


The SystemID is the unique identifier for custom fields. Core fields (the fields that are available by default in Orange Logic) do not have System IDs.

System IDs don't appear in the Orange Logic interface. They can be retrieved with the List all metadata fields DataTable API.